Deutsche Version

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Samstag, 5. Juli 2014

Another incredible evening :-)

Ok, I try to translate everything I wrote in German.... It's not always so easy ;-)

Yesterday, after my intonation day, I went to the Musikhochschule of Karlsruhe. Shouting, drinking, cheering. I went to a concert. Really. Ok, first I watched football. But then, at half past seven, I left and listened to a concert in the school, instead. And I didn't regret at all - it was a wonderful concert with students and teachers from the school, playing works from Bartok, Berio and more - really amazing music! Maybe, they should show this all over the world instead of football. All the other shouting, drinking and cheering people would be very happy for sure.
After a short beer in "Purino", the new bar next to the school, I went home as a very good girl to get enough sleep for the next day.

This morning, I got up at half past seven, which was really hard. After a breakfast with the flat mate of Julia and his brother, I went to the post and was there at quarter to nine, to get some advertising stuff that I need for the tour. Aand... Surprise! The post opens only at nine. So, wait. Another surprise! Saturday, it opens only at half past nine. (At this time, the post of Sion is already almost closed again!)

The Rhine in the rain and my bike with rain cap
After a coffee, I finally got my things and started towards Speyer. Now I had to be fast. And I was, so all of a sudden, I was in Germersheim, which is already pretty close to Speyer. There it started to rain, so I had a break in the old brick manufacture at the Rhine, which has a kind of café, to drink a cappuccino. Well, the cappuccino turned out to be a quite bad filtered coffee with a lot of whipped cream. :-(
But therefore, I had a nice view on the Rhine and a refilled water bottle. After waiting for better weather for quite a long time and taking stupid, annoyed selfies (what, I swear, I NEVER did in my life!!
A ship on the Rhine
So I promise, it was really boring!), I decided to go on and took my rain clothes. With them, I look like a diver and the couple sitting at the table next to me started to look at me a bit... confused. But I stayed dry.
50 meters later, the rain stopped. Of course. If you ever want nice weather, just give rain clothes to Miriam, and the rain will stop!

Finally, I arrived in Speyer, and I have to say, it's a nice little town! Somehow, at least in Germany, everyone knows the name and that it's somewhere close to Mannheim, but nobody has ever been there.
One of the stupid, bored, annoyed selfies
It's worth to go! With a beautiful old center and a cathedral, which is beautiful as well, at least from outside. Probably also from inside, but I din't dare to enter, because I had sweated so much, that I thought, they might think that there was a stink bomb attack, if I enter. So instead, I walked through the city, and at half past three, starving, I decided to eat a Schnitzel with French Fries. Yeah. Afterwards a coffee and then again... wait. We wanted to meet at six with the people for the concert at the church, so there was a lot of time to kill. I walked through the Maximiliansstraße, the central street of Speyer, for the next two hours. But this street is not thaat long, so I went back and forth, and the second time in this day, people started to find me a bit strange.
Finally, I went to the curch, where I was welcomed in a really nice way by Bärbel and Norbert and their son. After a shower (the best moment of the day!) and a short scale on my viola, the first problem: I had saved my presentation about Human Trafficking in a dropbox in the internet, but had told them I had it on a stick (what I actually had planned). But there was no internet. Later, we even managed to get internet, but it didn't work to log in into the dropbox. Finally, the best brother of the world, Daniel, saved me and downloaded it and sent it via e-mail.
So, the evening could begin. After a short introduction and a short interview by Andrea, who basically organised the evening with me, I played Hindemith, then talked about Human Trafficking and then played Bach. Well, I'm still not a spellbinder, but I have the feeling it's getting better. And at least, it didn't say anymore in the presentation that it's necessary to pursuit the victims...

Aftewards, there was a lot to eat and drink, and we had some really nice talks with very interesting people. And I even met some who know Sion pretty well! That was really cool, usually, people don't even know that Sion exists ;-)

Now, I am sitting at home of a family from the church. Except of their son, they are all in holidays, but seem to be really nice ;-)

Soo, good night, sleep well and come again. And toitoitoi that I will make the 120 km tomorrow. Or, more important, that my backside will...

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